Summary: | This research aims to determine the physical characteristics and quality of
eggs bird mountain Maleo (Aepypodius Arfakianus) bird in Papua and to
determine the success rate of hatching by using some modified hatching
equipments to improve the eggs� hatchability. This research used observation
method to analyze variable egg hatching, temperature and humidity. There were
three (3) experiments of hatching pattern, are semi-natural hatching outside of the
habitat (ex-situ), hatching by using soil and serasah as the media, and hatching by
using electric shelves as the media. Observation data of natural hatching show that
the temperature inside of the nest is about 30-35
C with humidity of 70-90%. The
variables measured were embryo durability or fertility, hatchability, period of
incubation, hatch weight, and embryo mortality. The data was analyzed using
descriptive statistics and correlations for the parts of required and was displayed
in the mean and deviation standard (SD). Physical characteristics and eggs�
quality which are obtained to mountain Maleo eggs were 168.28±14.64 g of
weight, 8.81±0.45 cm of height, 5.62±0.20 cm of width, 54.67±0.79% of yolk,
36.66±0.48% of albumin, 71.32±5.92% of haugh unit, 0.36±0.03 mm of
eggshell�s thickness, 8.63±0.42% of eggshell�s height, 64,07±0,97% of eggs
index. Moreover, yolk index was about 10-12 in roche scale, and the eggshell was
oval with milky white color. Hatching modification using electric shelves as the
media provided the best quality from the other two modifications. The results of
40.14±0.69 days of incubation were 90.00% of egg fertility, 77.78% of
hatchability, 22.22% embryo mortality, and 112.94±7.84 g of hatch weight. In exsitu
modification of 47.50±0.71 days of incubation, the results were 80% of egg
fertility, 25% of hatchability, 75% of embryo mortality, and 109.05±2.33 g of
hatch weight. In hatching modification using soil and serasah as media of
41.33±0.58 days of incubation, the results were 90% of egg fertility, 33.33% of
hatchability, 66.67% of embryo mortality, and 113.33±5.05 g of hatch weight.
Hatching modifications using electric shelves can improve the quality of hatching,
shorten the period of incubation, and reduce the mortality.