Summary: | In the evaluation process of institution, there are many aspects needing to
consider, with a lot of uncertainty and ambiguity, so it is reasonable and
scientific to apply fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method for UGM postgraduate
student satisfaction evaluation. The core of fuzzy evaluation is membership degree
transformation. But the existing transformation methods should be questioned,
because redundant data in index membership degree is also used to compute
object membership degree, which is not useful for object classification. The new
algorithm is: using data mining technology based on entropy to mine knowledge
information about object classification hidden in every index, affirm the
relationship of object classification and index membership, eliminate the
redundant data in index membership for object classification by defining
distinguishable weight and extract valid values to compute object membership.
The new algorithm of membership degree transformation includes three
calculation steps which can be summarized as �effective, comparison and
composition�, which is denoted as M(1,2,3). The paper applied the new algorithm
in the fuzzy evaluation of UGM postgraduate student satisfaction.