Summary: | The MHP always uses the prime mover which produces the low speed. One
type of the generator which is always used on the MHP is the generator induction.
Generator induction has the advantage, however it has the despite if it is compared to
the synchronous generator. One of the disadvantage of the induction generator is on
the efficiency, and the voltage regulation.
The use of the low speed generators are expected to increase the efficiency of
the mechanical transmission system. The purpose of this study is to determine the
performance of the generator induction which was rewind and changed on the
number of poles. The specification of the generator induction which was used is
induction motor 3 phase 1hp 6 poles.
The method which is used on this research is based on the experiment and
comparison. The Induction motor and generator which have not been rewind became
the reference. For the first time tested as a motor, and then tested as generator. After
it was rewind by the 6 poles of numbers, then retested either as a motor or as a
generator. Similarly, by the 12 poles of number. As a motor tested without load and
locked rotor in the electric motor installation laboratory of SMKN 3 Kuningan, while
as a generator tested at the MHP Singosaren, Wukirsari , Imogiri, Bantul
Yogyakarta. The test of input by using prony brake but the test of the output by using
incandescent lamp loads test.
The result show that: as a motor induction, the result of the rewinding
performance is expected. But as a generator induction has reduced performance, i.e.
at efficiency of 62,03% becomes 50,40% on the voltage allowed by PLN (+ 10% x
220 volt). At the generator induction when it rewind, for the 12 poles of number has
a decrease efficiency 31,01% on the 300 volt (> 10% x 220 volt).