Summary: | This study aimed to examine the relationship between organizational citizenship
behavior (OCB) and four other variables that are assumed to be the antecedents.
The four variables was perceived organizational justice (POJ), perceived
organizational support (POS), collective self-esteem (CSE), and work alienation
The first hypothesis was on the relationship between the five variables.
The second hypothesis concerned the mediating role of POS in the relationship
between POJ and CSE, mediating role of CSE in the relationship between POS
and WA, and mediating role of WA in the relationship between CSE and OCB.
This study also aimed to examine the relationship between OCB and the four
antecedent variables, based on the proposed model.
Variables in this study were measured by scales adapted from scales that
had been developed and used in previous studies. Analysis of the relationship
amongs variables conducted by bivariate correlation analysis of Pearson�s
product-moment. Technique recommended by Baron and Kenny (1986) was used
to analyze the mediation. To examine the proposed model, path-analysis was
performed by multiple regression techniques.
Results showed that the variables had correlation on sig. 0.01, and WA had
negative correlation with the other variables. Results of mediation analysis
showed that POS mediated the relationship between OCB and CSE, CSE
mediated the relationship between POS and WA, and WA mediated the
relationship between CSE and OCB. The path-analysis of the proposed model
yielded reduction models that could explain the influence of the four variables on