Summary: | Sivering is an unpleasant and frequent complication after spinal anesthesia.
Numerous pharmacological intervensions have been proposed, but their relative efficacy
remains unclear and relatively has side effects, especially for pethidine which has
nausea and vomiting side effect. The aim of this study is to compare the effect of
ondansetron 8 mg and pethidin 0.4 mg/kgBW intravenously for prevention shivering after
spinal anesthesia in caesarean section.
This is randomized double blind controlled study. Subjects are ,,122,, women in
the age between 18-40 years old, ASA I-II, 37-42 weeks of pregnancy, 40-70 kg body
weight (BMI < 30 kg/m
), and > 145 cm of height who undergoing cesarean section. The
exclusion criteria is patient�s refusal, history of allergy, history allergy to bupivacaine,
ondansetron, and pethidine, and patient which had been known having congenital disease
before, hypo or hyperthermia, high risk pregnant such as pre-eclampsia, eclampsia and
HELLP syndrome, and when total spinal occurred in patient. The drop out criteria is the
expected sensoric and motoric block do not happened after 15 minutes injection, failed
spinal anesthesia, bleeding complication such as atonia uteri and the patient withdraw
from this study.
Will divide into two groups consists of ....61....patients. Group I will receive
ondansteron 8 mg intravenously and group II will receive pethidine 0.4 mg/kgBW
intravenously. Data collection, including sensory block level, blood pressure will perform
every 3-5 minute for 15 minute. The incidence and intensity of shivering, and the adverse
effects of drugs will record during spinal anesthesia.