Summary: | Permanent lecturers and part-time lecturers which dedicated is a benchmarks
student success, then on the acceptance of new lecturers must be done assessment by
analysis from the requirements of prospective lecturers, so assessment that does not
impress subjective. Criteria set out in this case study is a formal education, work
experience, age, and language.
The purpose of this study is to make a decision support system for selecting
candidates for permanent lecturers and part time lecturer with a web based at the
Instituto Profissional de Canossa (IPDC) in Dili, Timor Leste. The results process
selection of acceptance is done by ranking weights from the existing criteria using
Simple Additive Weighting method (SAW).
Decision Support System to process lecturer data based on criteria predetermined to
produce ranking of lecturer in overall. System can also display rankings based on
categories lecturers, namely the category of permanent lecturers and part time lecturer.
The end result of this system is to display permanent lecturers be accepted and part
time lecturer received under the order of ranking.