Summary: | E-commerce needs electronic payment systems to support borderless
transactions. That face to face interaction is absent trust plays important role in
every e-commerce transaction. Moreover in electronic payment transactions,
customers will face various risks and threat that may cause financial lost.
Therefore, this study explores how trust affects internet user�s intention to use
Paypal. We put perceived value and perceived risk as additional variables. We
also put perceived privacy and perceived security as antecedents of trust. The
data are collected through 161 internet users who are members of Facebook and
The results of the statistical analysis provide several conclusions. First,
trust and perceived value positively influence intention to use. Therefore, Paypal
must provide better service in a reasonable fee and they must maintain their
reputation to gain trust from internet users. Second, trust also positively
influences perceived value and negatively influences perceived risk.
Consequently, Paypal must maintain their reputation among users to get their
trust. However, perceived risk does not influence intention to use and perceived
value. This means that internet users tend to ignore risk that may occure during
transaction using Paypal. Third, perceived privacy and perceived security
influence trust. Thus, privacy and security are the most important thing to build
trust among users. Finally, Paypal needs to improve their security systems and
privacy protection program to attract more users.