Summary: | The study, titled "Meaning, Image and Value Education of Child in Andiandi
Bakumpai Dayak Tribe " This aims to identify and analyze the way of View
the Dayak Bakumpai of understanding of child, imaging of children and educate
children through some of the values they instill through an andi-andi. To achieve
these research goals, then in his analysis of this research uses the theory of literary
sociology that assisted with the theory of oral literature, and translation. The
method used is a qualitative method, which is reached by way of collecting date
through the stages of observation, interviewing, recording, transcription and
translation. After all data is translated, The next stage is data analysis data
analysis carried out with due regard to the interactive-dialectic model of Miles and
Huberman, namely by: 1). arrange the raw data, 2).Selecting and encode data by
observation, field notes, recordings and interviews, 3). Doing data analysis data
by data sources , 4).Conducting data analysis as a whole in accordance with the
source and adequacy of data, 5). If the analysis is inadequate data and insufficient
data were collected again