Village Allocation Fund is a manifestation of the fulfillment of the village to organize village autonomy. This was done so that the village can grow and follow the growth that comes from the village itself on the basis of diversity, participation, genuine autonomy, democratization, and empowerment....

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Main Authors: , Mohammad Zain A Gafur, , Dr. Agus Pramusinto, MDA.
Format: Thesis
Published: [Yogyakarta] : Universitas Gadjah Mada 2011
Summary:Village Allocation Fund is a manifestation of the fulfillment of the village to organize village autonomy. This was done so that the village can grow and follow the growth that comes from the village itself on the basis of diversity, participation, genuine autonomy, democratization, and empowerment. Based on the understanding of ADD, then in doing the necessary planning and implementation of ADD participation, transparency, accountability and equality of all parties involved in the policy is good policy makers, policy implementers and target groups. This is done to create a good governance. This study aims to determine the dynamics in the process of planning and implementation with ADD, based on the principles of participation, transparency, accountability, and equality made by the village of Maba District, Marasipno Village, East Halmahera Regency. This study is a qualitative research method and is equipped with a descriptive analysis of secondary data. Where is the procedure penilitian qualitative research that produces descriptive data in the form of words written or spoken of people and behaviors that can be observed. The author merged observation techniques, interviews, and documentation. Observations conducted in the Village Marasipno, and documentation techniques performed to explore secondary data related to research. Data obtained from both techniques were then deepened through interviews with informants. The results showed that the process of planning and implementation of the Allocation Funds Marasipno Village in the village is still very far from the principles of management of the Village Fund Allocation. No nets Allocation Fund management principles Village of the planning stages to implementation can be seen from the lack of participation, transparency, accountability and equality of the public with an interest in the management of the Village in the Village Fund Allocation Marasipno. Disharmony between the planning and implementation in the management of the Village Fund Allocation is also caused due to lack of awareness of the importance of these policies as well as the apathy of the village government officials. From the research the author gives the following recommendations: 1). Need an evaluation of village expansion of the government district. The same happens with the Village Marasipno, because based on the findings in the field that the absence of governance in the village. 2). In the framework of understanding about the management of the Village Fund Allocation, it is necessary to the holding of socialization often guide the implementation of the decree concerning the Village Fund Allocation. and required supervision or assistance from related offices for planning and implementing the Village Fund Allocation. 3). The necessity of understanding the public that the Village Fund Allocation is their right. Since the purpose of this kebiajkan is prospering rural community. 4). And to avoid the occurrence of abuse in applying or in carrying out the policy of ADD, it takes a strong institutional presence of the village, so the funds can be managed properly. Strong institutional villages can ensure sustainability of ADD and ADD-funded programs.