Summary: | This research is aimed to indentify tourism attraction condition, the amenity
and accessibility of tourist destination of Senoa Island in Natuna and its
compatibility with tourist activities that can be developed, and to identify tourist�s
perception from them who visit Natuna. Therefore, we hope that we could arrange
appropriate strategies for tourism development.
The method used is descriptive analysis on the condition of tourist
attractions, the amenities and the accessibilities with field observation to measure
the visual quality. To value the condition and properness of the amenities and the
accessibilities, we implement field observation, secondary data analysis on the
number of facilities and infrastructures and its properness valued by tourist�s
perceptions who visited Natuna.
From the result of this research, we found that Senoa Island has potential
tourist attractions that need to be developed as marine tourism destination.
However, they have deficient amenities and inadequate accessibilities. Most of
tourists are local. This is because the location is relatively far from tourist�s
residence area. In generally, their perception on these tourism attractions is
excellent. We suggest them to develop their development strategy by prioritizing
tourism development, improving role of the businesses and active participation of
the society to maximize the tourism existence and potential in Senoa Island.