Summary: | The lack of the fuel could be overcome by developing the potency from
renewable energy resources, such as biomass, as an alternative energy resources.
Biomass is an organic matter that could be used as an energy, it could be derived
from wood, the residue of the plants and livestock manure. The objective of this
research is to utilize pig waste and pine cone by converting them into briquettee
through pyrolysis process.
This research used 5 (five) variables for pig waste and pine cone charcoal
compotition, 0%:100%, 25%:75%, 50%:50%, 75%:25% and 100%:0% and
variated in meshing size 25, 35 dan 50. The volatile matter, ash and water content,
fixed carbon and calorific value are observed in this research.
By using pig waste and pine cone compotition 50%:50%, 25%:75% and
0%:100% with meshing variants 25, 35 dan 50, pig waste and pine cone are
potensial to be utilized as bio-briquette. And by using meshing 25, it will given
the optimal calorific value, 5.520,34 kal/gram, 6.353,97 kal/gram, and 7.147,08
kal/gram and meeting the SNI>5000 kal/gram. The economic analysis showed
that briquette from pig waste and pine cone are suitable to be developed with
51.095 kg/year biobriquettee charcoal production and with minimal sold price
Rp. 2.000.-/kilogram will give annual profit Rp. 2.443.500.-/year. Briquette from
pig waste and pine cone will be only used by the people who can take it as their
alternative fuel.