Summary: | Currently poultry farm business has been accused as businesses that
contaminate the environment. Therefore, in order to make environmental friendly
poultry farm business, waste handling processes must be considered. If chicken
manure is not processed properly, it will cause environmental pollution.
Nowadays, chicken manure has been used as raw material of organic fertilizer. In
addition, chicken manure has protein that is feasible to be utilized as a raw
material for chicken feedstuffs.
This study aims to utilize chicken manure and tapioca waste as raw
materials of non-conventional feed. In advance, detailed objectives of this study
are to find the increase of nutrient value of chicken manure that has been
fermented for 7 days and determine the level of acceptability of chicken.
The research method, which used in accomplishing this study are
experimental method, experimental design by using Completely Randomized
Design with one treatment factor, and acceptability tested. Experimental by using
Completely Randomized Design with one factor is by adding excreta in four
treatment. The standard of treatment are ration control FR1 without excreta, FR2
with excreta 10%, FR3 with excreta 20%, FR4 with excreta 30%, and FR5 with
excreta 40%. Then, the collected data are analyzed by using Anova one way,
continued with DMRT 5%. Furthermore, the acceptability tested by feeding the
chicken at age of 8 weeks. Chicken classified into five groups that were fed with
research product and a group with conventional feed as a control. Each group
tested with four replicated for 5 days.
The result showed that highest of protein obtained in FR5 with protein
content of 10.83% in 3 days of fermentation. In acceptability test obtained that
formula FR3 is the best formulation that consumed by the average consumption of
chicken is 72,61 grams per day. The results showed that the feed material could
not fulfilled with SNI of feed of Broiler and Layer. However, the feed material
can still be used to substitute conventional feed, especially when the feed prices is