Summary: | A. atlas silk moth produces silk fiber high economic value. Research on
wild silk moths has been done in Indonesia, including, rearing in space and in the
field, artificial feeding and the kind of silk fiber produced. Genetic studies for
wild silkmoth A. atlas have not done a lot. These cytogenetic studies as
preliminary research that aims to know the characters, especially in terms of
chromosome number, shape and size of A. atlas chromosomes. Sampling was
conducted in Kalitirto village, Berbah Subdistric, Sleman Regency, Yogyakarta
Province. The samples used were last instar ofA. atlas. The study was conducted
at the Entomology Laboratory of Biology Faculty Universitas Gadjah Mada in
January to July 2011. Chromosome preparation was performed using smear
methods and materials preparation using last instar ovary, at the pachitene stage
of meiotic I division cell occurs. Procedure preparation phase of meiotic
chromosomes in the study followed the procedures Gupta and Narang (1981).
Chromosome analysis performed after staining with Giemsa. The results showed
that A. atlas chromosome are numerous, ie haploid chromosomes n = 31,32,33,34,
chromosoms shape holocentric type (have a lot of the centromere) and small size
+,9773 to 0,7123µm. Variations in chromosome number proceed from holocentric
chromosoms are easy due to the fragmented and there are supernurerary