Summary: | Background : The website can be used as media of communication,
research and media promotion by the educational institutions. Web Site
Design Method (WSDM) is a method of developing web sites that engage
users in the development process.It is expected that the usability is higher
when website was developed with using WSDM.
Objective : To explore information and functions needs of the website and
develop web sites according to user needs.
Methods : This was an action research study, with purposive sampling
method of sample collection. Participants were students (192 person),
staffs (23 person), and alumni of Akper Sintang (36 person), and 12th
grade high school students (41 person). Data was collected by distributing
questionnaires, in-depth interviews, observation, document review and
focus group discussions. Data were collected from January 2011 to April
2011. SUS Questionnaire in the Indonesian version (alpha value: 0.796)
used in this study to measure usability of web sites have been developed.
Results : Information needed by students in grade 12 was information
relating to the admission process. Students need information related to the
lecture. Nursing staf and alumni need information on news updates about
Akper Sintang. The function required is the download function, feedback,
comments, and the login facilities to access information and functions that
match their interests.
Web site usability was successfully developed through WSDM method is
60.9 on the scale of 0-100, and is in the marginal position toward a
position acceptable to the users of the web site Akper Sintang.
Conclusion : Development of web sites using WSDM meet the
information needs, and the functions requirement of web site's users. The
level of website�s usability still need to be increased through the iterative
design cycle.