Samenvatting: | Variance or standard deviation as a measure of risk can not always accommodate all
risk of loss events occur. Emerged the idea of risk measurement is done by using
quantile, which gave birth to the risk measure of Value-at-Risk. It is estimated that
the risk measurement Value-at-Risk will continue to grow rapidly, especially those
using the approach of non-constant volatility and there is a long memory effect.
In this dissertation is a research on the measurement of investment risk using
the basic framework of the Value-at-Risk (VaR). It is assumed that stock returns have
a mean and non constant volatility, and there is long-memory effect. Other
assumptions that stock returns follow the pattern of Capital Asset Pricing Model
Theoretically, it has been developed the theorem of Modified Value-at-Risk
(MVAR) in Student-t distribution. Under the CAPM pattern, it has been developed
the VaR measurement theorem of under CAPM with lagged, and the theorem of VaR
under CAPM of Koyck transformation. Using the basic framework of measurement
risk of VaR, has also been developed the theorem of weight in the mean-VaR
portfolio optimization.
In this dissertation, the identification of long memory effect conducted using
the method of rescale range (R/S) or Geweke and Porter-Hudak (GPH). The mean
and non constant volatility is estimated using the ARFIMA-GARCH models. To
measure the performance of VaR performed using statistical of quadratic probability
score (QPS) by Lopez model II. The purpose of this research is to develop an
alternative method in accordance with the characteristics of stock returns data. The
application of the development of the theoretical results in empirical research, used to
analysis the data of 10 (ten) shares, Composite Stock Price Index (IHSG), and riskfree
asset (bond).