Summary: | Background: Children�s cognitive functioning is affected by genetic and
environmental factors. Environmental conditions that determine the
development of a person's cognitive functioning includes nutrition, health,
quality of stimulation, the emotional climate of the home, and the type of
feedback obtained through behavior. One of the nutritional factors that
play a role in the development of children's cognitive function is
breastfeeding. Effect of duration breastfeeding on cognitive function of
children are still much debated. Breastfeeding 6 months is more likely to
have higher IQs than those who are breastfed <6 months. Median time of
breastfeeding in Jogjakarta is higher than the national 22.6 months. While
in Yogyakarta Municipality, the lowest coverage of exclusive breastfeeding
is found in the work area of Gondokusuman II Health Center 3.3%.
Objective: To determine the effect of breastfeeding duration on children�s
cognitive functioning in Yogyakarta Municipality.
Methods: This was an observational analytic study with a quantitative
approach using a retrospective cohort design. The study was conducted at
several elementary schools (SD) in the Gondokusuman II health center
area, Yogyakarta Municipality. The study population was all primary school
children aged 7-8 years in the Gondokusuman II health center area.
Sample selection technique used a non-probability sampling with a quota
sampling. Determination of the sample size was calculated by the software
PASS (Power Analysis and Sample Size) and sample size was 90.
Analysis of data used univariable, bivariable, and multivariable with t test
and chi-square statistic test, and linear regression with 95% confidence
Results: Breastfeeding duration affected a child's cognitive functioning (p
<0.05). The IQ of Children having been breastfed 6 months showed 8.84
points higher than those breastfed <6 months. From the results of chi
square analysis, the variable of children's cognitive function was
considered normal (score 90-169) and abnormal (score <90)