Summary: | Public goods valuation is one of steps in life cycle asset management. There
are two approaches to estimate the public goods valuation, they are market value
and non market value approach. Karang Sari Carita Beach is potential asset
belongs to Pandeglang local goverrnment because has been giving second highest
PAD after Cikole swimming pool tourism. Some think special in Karang Sari is
natural view of beach which has little coral so that can be use for swim
maximally, because of that it called natural swimming pool.
Effort to develop this tourism has been done by Pandeglang government
continuous, but value of this beach tourism is still unknown yet so that need to be
researched to get fair value of Karang Sari Carita Beach. Beside that, fee for
entrance location recreation based on Peraturan Daerah Nomor 17 Tahun 2003 is
valued very low and unrelevant with condition today especially based on inflation
rate since 2003 untill 2011 (eight years). So that, it needs to do analysis to
establish exact fee according to consumen perception through willingness to pay.
As to approach in this research is non-market value approach, beacause data of
recreation is not available in market transaction. Travel cost method was selected
as method to estimate value of beach tourism, and contingent valuation method to
estimate entrance fee beside to estimate willingness to pay.
There are two goals in this research. They are to identify determinants of
Karang Sari Carita Beach tourism value and to estimate value of Karang Sari
Carita Beach tourism. This reasearch used multiple linier regression analysis with
Old Least Square method. Data resourches used primary data through structur
interviewed by quetioner, and secondary data from related resourch and relevant
with research. Sampling had done randomly and unstructure (unstritified random
sampling) to 100 respondents, but survey successed only to 49 respondents.
Result of research described that determinants of number of visit to Karang
Sari Carita Beach for degree of freedom (α=5 persen) such as, travel cost gave
negative influence and not significant, income gave positive influence and
positive, education gave positive influence and not significant, dummy address
gave positive influence and significant, dummy quality of perception gave
positive influence and significant.
Value of Karang Sari Carita Beach tourism with Travel Cost Method (TCM)
at free risk rate 6,75 percent was on range Rp860.453.000.000,- �
Rp860.455.000.000,-, and average of Willingness to Pay (WTP) of visitor was
Value of Karang Sari Carita Beach tourism based on Contingent Valuation
Method according choise of WTP entrance fee such as: value based on WTP of
children entrance fee Rp231.907.600,4