Summary: | This thesis research the classes of words in Arabic. The theory used in this
research is the structural linguistic which describe and analyze the internal
structure of language. This study have two goals is theoretical goal, and practical
goals. Theoretical goal of this research may contribute to the Arabic linguistic
theory, particularly to the field of morphology, syntax and semantics. Practical
goal of this research is expected to be useful in learning the Arabic language,
especially in teaching Arabic vocabulary. Characterization of Arabic class of
words in this study using the distributional method that examining the possibility
of at least a word should be accompanied by other category within the larger
structure especially in phrase�s structure. Characterization and of subcategorized
of Arabic part of speech use the semantic analysis.
The characteristic of nouns are can be preceded by charf jar (preposition),
charfu`n-nid�` (particle vocatif), ism isy�ry (demonstrative), but it can not be
followed by the adverb of quality jiddan (اﺪ�), and negation l� (ﻻ). Based on its
form, nouns classified into two major groups: (i) ism mu'ayyan (congcret noun)
and (ii) ism ma'n� (abstract noun). Based on semantic aspects, Arabic nouns
classified into: (i) the noun with the primary meaning of the human, (ii) the noun
with the primary meaning of plant, (iii) the noun with the primary meaning of the
animals, (iv) the noun with primary meaning of the place, (v) the noun with the
primary meaning o equipment, (vi) the noun with primary meaning food, and (vii)
a noun with the meaning of clothing.
The characteristic of verb is can be preceded by a negation l� (ﻻ), and lam
(ﻢ�), but it can not be preceded by charf jar (preposition), charfu`n-nid�` (vocatif),
ism isy�ry (demonstrative) and adverb of quality jiddan (اﺪ�). Based on its forms
verb are classified into two major groups that namely fi'l muta'addy (transitive
verb) and fi'l l�zim (intransitive verb). Based on semantic aspects, verb are
distinguished by: (i) verbs of action, verbs of process, and verbs of adjective.
The characteristic of adjective is that it can followed by the adverb of
quality jiddan (اﺪ�) but it can not be preceded by a negation l� (ﻻ), and lam (ﻢ�).
Based on its form, adjectif classified in to (i) shifatul-fa'il, (ii) shifatul-maf'Å«l, (iii)
shifatul-musyabbahah, (iv) shifatul-mub�laghah, and (v) shifatu`t-tafdhīl. Based
on semantic aspects, adjective classified of (i) adjective of form, (ii) adjective of
size, (iii) adjective of taste, (iv) adjective of colour, and (iv) abstract adjective.
The characteristic of adverb is that it use to added mean of verb. Based on
semantic aspects, adjective classified in to (i) adverb of manner, (ii) adverb of
degree, (iii) adverb of time, and (iv) adverb of place.
The characteristic of conjuntions is that it use to conjuct mean of verb.
Based on semantic aspects, adjective classified in to (i) adverb of manner, (ii)
adverb of degree, (iii) adverb of time, and (iv) adverb of place.