Disease of HIV-AIDS at Papua more seriously because sufferer total HIV-AIDS from year to year then increase since year 1979. Augmenting again with society culture Papua condition with the lowly education level that join in to subsidize risk disease of HIV-AIDS at Papua. Despitefully there another tr...

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Main Authors: , Arwam Hermanus,SE.,M.Kes., , Prof. dr. Ahmad Husain Asdie, Sp.PD-KE
Format: Thesis
Published: [Yogyakarta] : Universitas Gadjah Mada 2011
Summary:Disease of HIV-AIDS at Papua more seriously because sufferer total HIV-AIDS from year to year then increase since year 1979. Augmenting again with society culture Papua condition with the lowly education level that join in to subsidize risk disease of HIV-AIDS at Papua. Despitefully there another trigger factor likes factor broken home, economy and life style. Government has tried with decide national wisdom ABC or abstinancy, be faithful and condom in order to tackling HIV-AIDS but until so far not yet show result that have a meaning, even several watchfulness recommend necessary watchfulness existences about tackling local model HIV-AIDS at Papua. This matter is actually that pushes researcher to look for local model form in the hook with tackling HIV-AIDS at Papua. This dissertation watchfulness method descriptive method. watchfulness location at prolific regency Biak Numfor with sample total for sufferer HIV-AIDS as much as 50 person contact AIDS diseases (ODHA) and 50 person not contact AIDS as standards. Custom society Papua number 200 person represent 7 custom areas Papua with 10 religion figures represents 5 big religions at Papua. Data collecting technique by interview, registration and observation to get primary data also secondary. Watchfulness variable covers free variable that is free sex behaviour, habit drinks alcoholic drink, drug consumption habit, erudition, attitude and weak religion teachings practice with negative culture habit. Bound variable risk disease HIV-AIDS with sub erudition variable, attitude and behaviour with moderator variable that cover economy, life style and broken home. And last liaison variable that is disease development HIV-AIDS. Technique and data collecting stage is divided to be 3 stages that is: (1) cause factors identification HIV-AIDS, (2) model location the testing and (3) model evaluation. At the (time) of problem identification, watchfulness result shows that society behaviour factor Papua like free sex behaviour, decrease it religion value and negative culture habit at prolific has risk towards disease HIV-AIDS. variable confinding that is economy/occupation, life style, has influence towards disease of HIV-AIDS. Specific local program that can be developed\" model H\" consist of 2 main concepts, that is: Abstinancy and Be faithful or AB and after done test tries during approximately 3 year so model and this program is enough effective to overcomings risk disease HIV-AIDS at Papua. Testing and first model evaluation is done in ODHA with the statistics test result descriptively have a meaning with Chi-kuadrat test and McNemar p <0,05 and Cohran�s Q p <0.05 while second testing towards society of Papua where descriptively have a meaning with test Willcoxon p <0,05 and Friedman p <0,05. Conclusion be taken that specific local model that can be developed\" H model\" and suggested to Government Province of Papua and Papua Legislative (DPRP) to make legal fundament in the form of by law to support this model.