Summary: | Service continuity depends on types of distribution
channel and securing instruments. Distribution channel has
continuity level which depends on the its channel structure
and operation adjustment method, which basically preplanned
and selected to meet the needs and burden characteristics.
The service continuity level from its distribution channel
is compiled on the base of the effort length to recharge
supply after termination due to obstruction without
One of the cause of technical disadvantage is the
frequent extinction on distribution channel which resulting
in the decreasing income accepted by PT. PLN (Persero). To
minimize the income decrement, then there had conducted
SAIDI SAIFI rate minimization which among the others using
Pekerjaan Dalam Keadaan Bertegangan (PDKB) on Medium Voltage
Networks. But Hot Line MAintenance has its effect to incur
accident risk due to the limited field of vision and energy
if the work is conducted in night time.
With distanced method Hot Line Maintenance, the rate
of work accident can be minimized. If Hot Line Maintenance
use can be effectively and efficiently managed, then a
performance is expected to be achieved, that is technical
shrinkage and SAIDI SAIFI will decreasing by which very
useful for company performance.
Of the analysis and estimation results on this
research, there can be obtained for UPJ Surakarta Kota for
the use of Hot Line Maintenace for smaller SAIDI SAIFI if
compared with UPJ Jatisrono which almost using no Hot Line
Maintenace works. For PDKB � TM APJ Surakarta it self,
contribution on its performance are cummulative extinction
rate which can be saved is up to 394.41 minutes per
subscriber annually with kWh value and rupiah saved of
13,227,151.19 kWH and IDR. 8,497,541,151.19.