Summary: | Many developing countries already realized the important of education to
economic development. It is believed that the education sector is a crucial factor in
supporting sustainable economic development and boosting economic growth.
However, Indonesia as a developing country should learn how to build education for
the advancement of her economic development. This is an essential issue due to
Indonesia still left behind from other neighbor�s countries.
This paper wants to explore the contribution of education to economic
development and tries to make a clear connection between education and economic
development. Next focal paper is wants to reveal the role of Japanese education to
her economic development. By learning from the success of Japan, this might be
used for the lessons of Indonesian education, and may contribute in how to determine
and direction the future of education policy should be set for Indonesia. In Indonesia
cases, the analysis is applied to determinant the achievement of national education
development during New Order era. Overview of development of education will
conduct in historical manner for both countries.
In this paper find that in the era of Tokugawa basic education already spread
among class society without government intervenes and Confucian value become
national virtue. Since the purpose of Meiji era was to build a strong army through
economic power, it is necessary to reform the education system in order to absorb the
Western technologies. Meiji government took heavy intention to universal education
as part of economic catch-up. Vocational education became a second pace in part of
economic catch-up. After fifteen years from the Pacific war, in 1960 government
announced income double plan policy. In order to realize the plan, the Economic
Planning Agency studied and identified the specific requirement for labor power to
support this plan. In addition, some observations to Japanese schools also conducted
in order to give a better perspective about education in Japan.
Meanwhile, from the analysis, Indonesia had reach universal basic education
stage in Pelita IV, but this achievement did not follow with proper development of
secondary education. The lack of financial resources becomes a major obstacle in
developing national education, besides technical and policy issues.
To supporting long-term sustainable economy, development of national
education is become a necessary prerequisite, not only in quantity but also in the
quality development should be considered by the policymaker. In this paper propose
several recommendations regarding the development of national education.