Summary: | This research describes the genetic relationship between the language of
Wolio, Muna-Buton languages subgroup which is administratively located in the
southeastern coastal areas of Southeast Sulawesi, and the three languages on the
island of Selayar, namely Laiyolo, Selayar, and Bonerate which is administratively
located in coastal areas southern the province of South Sulawesi. This research was
conducted through two approaches both quantitatively and qualitatively. Quantitative
approach by the lexicostatistics techniques explained the genetic relationship of four
studied languages. Qualitative approach intended to provide evidences of genetic
relationship of the four languages by the criterion of shared innovation in the field of
phonology and lexicon.
The research is formulated through the study of synchronic and diachronic
perspective. The synchronic perspective consists of the language phonological
description of Wolio, Laiyolo, Selayar, and Bonerate. This research is also
investigated the similarity and differences of phonology and lexicon of the four
studied languages. The result of diachronic analysis by technique of lexicostatistic
shows the family tree of the four genetic relationship studied language. The genetic
relationship between the language of Wolio and Laiyolo is closer than Selayar and
Bonerate language. The evidences of lexical shared innovation prove the close
relationship between Wolio and Laiyolo language that cannot be found on Selayar
and Bonerate language. Those evidences not only show the divergence of group, but
also unifying group by analyzing reflexes of PAN phonemes toward PWLSB in the
form of reconstruction from the top to down (Top-Down reconstruction).
The result of this research significantly not only clarifies that the four
languages is a group of language that formed West Muna-Buton subgroup, but also
shows the genetic relationship of Wolio and Bonerate language as historically closer
than Selayar and Bonerate language.