Summary: | The various system and database multiplied in each City/Regency of
Gorontalo will make the user get difficulty to view the data of medication
restitution of each employee either active or retired. All existing database in
City/Regency are integrated with an integrated management system and it can
integrate the existing restitution application of employee medication cost in
City/Regency, therefore, it also serves the information of employee restitution that
the user can access it.
In this research, it conducts an analysis and the application design of
restitution of PT. �X� Gorontalo officer�s medication cost. The method comprises
of related literature study with the concept of web service, interview, and data
collecting of medication restitution of the employee of PT. �X� Gorontalo. Hence,
it is implemented into web based programing code, DBMS, and Windows
operating system.
The result of the research is that the integration of medication restitution
application of PT. �X� Gorontalo Officer located in city as main office (server)
and PT. �X� Gorontalo Officer located either in city or in regency (client) uses
web service as the data exchange means. Further, it does not make any difference
of its platform operating system, programing code and DBMS as a barrier in
application integrating.