Summary: | Yapen and Mamberamo regions in Papua province as the main route of
Yapen, end Mamberamo faults was dominated by tertiary and pre tertiary
sedimentary rocks of Australia continental crust and Pacific ocean crust.
Two dimensional (2D) and three dimensional (3D) modeling of subsurface
in Papua province especially in Yapen and Mamberamo regions has been done by
using complete Bouguer anomaly data. The purpose of this research is to know
structure model in subsurface of Yapen and Mamberamo region.
Complete Bouguer anomaly had been projected to horizontal plane on
3,992 m height from mean sea level (MSL) with sources depth of mass points
equivalent 27,000 m under MSL. Separation the regional and local anomaly
generated through upward continuation methods on 30,000 m height from
horizontal plane.
Two dimensional (2D) modeling of subsurface was used approximated
method of Talwani, and three dimensional (3D) modeling was proceed with
Grablox and bloxer computer programs based Graphical User Interface (GUI)
The result was the model show that Yapen, Mamberamo, and Waipoga
Fault. Rock density in Yapen and Mamberamo regions have estimated to
2.82 g/cm3. With an average density of each layer is 2.67 g/cm3for first layer,
2.69 g/cm3for second layer, 2.86 g/cm3 for third layer, and 3.06 g/cm3 for fourth
layer. The thickness of the crust in Papua province is estimated 25 to 30 km
with a rock base of the oceanic crust.