Summary: | Background: Acute diarrhea is an illness which caused by 1) infection: virus,
bacteria, parasite, 2) malabsorption, 3) foods, 4) immunodeficiency, and 5)
psychologic. Diarrhea is very closed correlated to bad sanitation and
environmental cleanness, insufficient of clean water availability, poverty and less
education level. In Indonesia it was estimated that there was about 60 millions
diarrhea incidences each year, the most (70-80%) suspected underfives children
of Pahandut subdistrict is one of the subdistrict in Palangka Raya City, whose
had the much diarrhea cases compared to other subdistricts, in 2009 for all age
group, diarrhea incidence achieved to 2,355 cases and in underfives children
achieved to 2,199 cases with proportion of diarrhea sufferer in underfives children
of Pahandut Subdistrict was 93.4%.
Objectives: To analyze the correlation between environmental sanitation,
womens knowledge and behavior, with acute diarrhea incidences of underfives
children of Pahandut Subdistrict, Palangka Raya City.
Methods: The study was analytic observational study which used case control
design. The samplewere 75 persons for case group and 75 persons for control
group. Thus the total sample sizewere 150 persons. The study was performed in
Pahandut Subdistrict, Palangka Raya City. Data analysis used Chi square test,
and logistic regression test.
Results: The multivariate analysis showed that 7 variables had significant
correlation with acute diarrhea in childrens, that were: 1) clean water facilities
OR=6.610, 95% CI= 2.439-17.910, p= 0.000