The research was aimed to study the response of small intestine of rabbit infected by Eimeria magna (E. magna) by observing clinical signs, blood profiles, enzyme activities, frequency and amplitude of peristaltics, and the number of nytrergics myenteric neuron of small intestines. In this research...

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Main Authors: , Amelia Hana, drh.,MP., , Prof. drh. Soesanto Mangkoewidjojo, M.Sc., Ph.D.
Format: Thesis
Published: [Yogyakarta] : Universitas Gadjah Mada 2011
Summary:The research was aimed to study the response of small intestine of rabbit infected by Eimeria magna (E. magna) by observing clinical signs, blood profiles, enzyme activities, frequency and amplitude of peristaltics, and the number of nytrergics myenteric neuron of small intestines. In this research were used fourty-five male rabbits aged 5 month old with body weight range from 1.5 to 1.8 kg, clinically healthy and free coccidiosis. All rabbits were randomly divided into 3 groups, group I as control (K-0) was given 1.0 ml distilled water/rabbit orally, group II (K-10) was infected with single dose of 10x106 oocysts of E. magna/rabbit orally, and group III (K-20) was infected with single dose of 20x106 oocysts of E. magna/rabbit orally. After infection, rabbits were examined for clinical signs, body temperature and weight, everyday until the day fifth. Blood samples were drawn through the vena marginalis to be examined for blood profiles (RBC, Hb concentration, PCV value, WBC, defferential of WBC, TPP and fibrinogen concentration), and blood enzyme activity (ALP, ALT, AST). After blood sampling, the rabbit were fasted for 12 hours, and anesthetized with urethane (1.55 g/ kg bw in a 25% solution, intraperitoneally), dissected and then the segments of small intestines (duodenum, jejunum, ileum) were removed to be determined the peristaltic movements by using electromyograph. Furthermore, the rabbits were euthanized immediately by cervical dislocation. The segments of small intestines were processed histochemically and stained using nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphatediaphorase (NADPH-d) to determine the number of nytrergics myenteric neuron. The data were statistically analyzed by two-way anova using a factorial design, LSD test, and corellation test. The results of this research could be concluded the infection of E. magna in rabbits caused fever and weight loss, accompanied by normochromic microcytic anemia (K-10), macrocytic normochromic (K-20), leukocytosis, lymphocytosis, hiperfibrinogenemia, and increasing of ALP activities. Infection of E. magna caused decreasing of amplitude contraction, increasing of peristaltic frequency, and the number of nytrergic myenteric neurons. There were correlations between dose and duration of infection with clinical symptoms (weight and body temperature), blood profile, peristaltic frequency, and the number of nytrergic myenteric neurons of rabbits infected with E. magna for five days. The higher the dose and the longer the infection of E. magna could increase body temperature, lose weight, increase MCV (microcytic to macrocytic), leukocyte, fibrinogen and ALP activity. The more caudal of small intestines the lower peristaltic and amplitude contraction detected and the number of nitrergic myenteric neurons increased.