Summary: | Kotagede as an older town area with its numerous cultural heritage
buildings needs for conservation effort. To this date, Kotagede has been a
residential community with its all older urban activities.
The combined characteristics between Hindu and Islam philosophical
values can still be found among the life of its residents and the characters of the
residential buildings. Entering the neighborhoods, permanent seats are commonly
found in front of the resident houses, on the village roadside, which are known as
tadhah alas, with similar in shape but different in their finishing touch. The
purpose of this study was to reveal the concepts of tadhah alas available in front
of the resident houses and the settlements of Kotagede.
This was a naturalistic and qualitative research. Data were collected by
performing observations and interviews. Based on the result of observations and
interviews, analysis on the data were performed and tentative themes were
identified. Data collection and analysis were carried out in each case until
repetitions were found in some cases. Once the repeated themes were identified,
then analysis on the relationship among the themes was conducted to produce
theorization. Theorization produced was able to explain the underlying concepts
according to the Kelurahan Jagalan (Jagalan Ward) community of Kotagede.
Theorization on tadhah alas which were found in front of the people's houses and
settlements was locally in nature, i.e. it was valid for the Jagalan Ward, Kotagede
The term tadhah alas is a term commonly used by Kotagede community,
especially in the Jagalan Ward of Kotagede to refer the physical formation of
permanent seats made from cement �plastered bricks. The term base alas merely
applies to houses available in Kotagede. Tadhah alas is a cultural heritage with the
higher values of life, namely, it serves as the container of the activity motives of
Kotagede people. It is understood as a response to cultural-social stimuli, which
contain meanings and symbols approved by the specific community groups. The
availability of social capital in terms of Javanese cultural traditions and spiritual
beliefs (prayer and evil aura that is forbidden to be brought into the house) has long
existed is still adopted until this day. Tadhah alas has close relationship with outer
space, where nature is the boundary of the space. Tadhah alas is open in which
people spatially view its use. Tadhah alas is integrated with the elements of other
outer space such as pendopo, front yard, and other tadhah alas found in jalan