Summary: | Background: Preeclampsia or eclampsia is a collection of symptoms that can occur
in pregnant women, women in labor, and in the puerperium phase, characterized by
hypertension and proteinuria. The condition is sometimes accompanied by
convulsions to coma, called eclampsia. The direct cause of maternal mortality rate
(MMR) is bleeding (30%), eclampsia (25%), parturition time (5%), abortion
complications (8%), and infections (12%). National maternal mortality rate in 2007
was 228/100.000 live births. MMR in Central Java in 2008 was 114.42 / 100,000.
Banyumas, one of regencies in Central Java has the highest total fertility rate (2.31).
MMR in 2009 was 41 cases due to causes preeclampsia/eclampsia, 9 cases (22%).
Methods: Case-control, located in Banyumas. Subjects in this study drawn from the
study population by accidental sampling, those are pregnant women who were
diagnosed as preeclampsia. The sample consisted of 276 pregnant women (138
cases and 138 controls). Measurement of risk factors (anxiety) used a questionnaire
T-MAS. Estimated magnitude of the risk factors determined by the odds ratio (OR)
stratified by previous test and multivariate analysis to control the confounder.
Results: 59 (42.8%) experienced anxiety. The results of bivariate analysis between
the main variables of anxiety with the incidence of preeclampsia in pregnant women
shown OR=7.84