Summary: | Liver cirrhosis is a pathological condition describing the end stadium of
hephatitic phybrosis that continues progressively marked by the distortion of
hepatic architecture and the formulation of degerenative nodules. Complication of
cirrhosis that oftenly had fatal effects was the esophageal varices bleeding. The
hemostatic disorders to the cirrhosis were complex, involving many processes and
participated factors. The last theory suggested that in the cirrhosis, it found
disequilibrium between the prohemostatic and antihemostatic. In the
prohemostatic, one of them had an increase of the level of von-Willebrand factor,
whereas in the antihemostatic there was a decrease of plasmatic fibrinogen level.
Currently, there was not any data showed the correlation between the level
of plasmatic fibrino gen and von-Willebrand factor in the patients of cirrhosis in
Indonesia, especially in Yogyakarta. This study aimed to find the correlation
between the level of plasmatic fibrinogen and von-Willebrand factor in the
patients with cirrhosis.
The design of this study was cross-sectional design. Samples were
obtained by the consecutive sampling. Subjects of the study were the patients of
liver cirrhosis who visited as outpatient and inpatient in the Department of
Internal Medication of Dr. Sardjito Hospital from October 2010 to August 2011,
and who already met the inclusion and exclusion criterias. The correlation
between the level of plasmatic fibrino gen and von-Willebrand factor was assessed
statisticly using correlation test. The final result of correlation test was stated in
the correlation coefficient.
There were 16 subjects that met criterias, 16 males and 3 females, age
average was 55±7,528. Cause of cirrhosis 31,25% was viral hepatitis infection. As
much 62,5% subject was Child Pugh's B and 37,5% was Child Pugh's C. Mean of
plasma fibrinogen was 227,39±75,82 mg / dL, meanwhile von Willebrand's factor
mean was 217,43±16,96 %. Pearson's correlation coefficients between fibrinogen
and von Willebrand factor was r = 0,216 (p = 0,211). In conclusion, there was
negative correlation between plasma fibrino gen and von Willebrand's factor in
liver cirrhosis patients.