Summary: | Background: This reseach is about the use of sterile laryngoscope blade for each
patient, the disinfection process of laryngoscope blade probably not efficient. It may
be contaminated by pathogen microorganism through transmission between
patients. The objective to assess the nature and extent of microbial contamination on
the blade of laryngoscopes that were considered to be clean and ready for use in the
anaesthetic rooms within the operating of central surgery building Dr Sardjito
Method: This research had already done by using observational study. Specimens
were collected from laryngoscope blade which were deemed to be �ready for
patient use� in operating theatre room of central surgery building unit Dr. Sardjito
hospital. Further identification of all isolates by laryngoscope blade in operating
theatre room of central surgery building unit Dr. Sardjito hospital.The main
outcome is microorganism pattern on blade laryngoscope which correlate wih
normal comensal of mouth.
Result : Microbiology culture showed that 67,4% sampel were identified had
microorganism growth and 36,2% had not microorganism growth. Microbiology
culture showed 47,8% sampel were non pathogen microorganism and 19,6%
sampel were pathogen microorganism. Amount of pathogen microorganism and
human normal flora are high enough and still have potential for causing direct
nasocomial infection to lower respiratoy system.
Conclusion : Results of mycrobiologic cultures from laryngoscope blades showed
that 67,4% were microorganism grown, 47,8% were non pathogen and 19,6% were