Summary: | This study aims to determine whether the flood of cold lava of Merapi
Volcano eruption in 2010 affects they income and consumption expenditure of
households victims or affected, either stay at home or living in shelters. The data
used are primary data and secondary data: primary data obtained through
interviews with respondents, while the secondary data obtained from the relevant
agencies and other sources. The sampling technique is purposive sampling, using
60 households: consisting of 30 remained living in the house and 30 samples of
living in shelters. To analyze the data used different test average.
The calculation result shows that without both elements of the assistance
received, cold lava flood effect on household incomes remain at home and living
in shelters. If the include element of relief, cold lava flood effect on household
income who live in the house and had no effect on household income who live in
shelters. Then, in terms of household consumption expenditure, cold lava flood
had no effect on household consumption expenditure either stay at home or in
shelters. Without incorporating elements of aid, the average monthly income of
households who remained at home after a flood of cold lava is Rp1.594.642, or
21,59 percent lower than before the cold lava flood. By incorporating elements of
aid, the average monthly income of households who remained at home after a
flood of cold lava is Rp1.666.716, or 18,05 percent lower than before the cold
lava flood. The average consumption expenditure of households who remained at
home after a flood of cold lava is Rp1.137.791, or 1,72 percent higher than before
the cold lava flood. Without incorporating elements of aid, the average monthly
income of households living in shelters after the cold lava flood is Rp1.162.354,
or 24,78 percent lower than before the cold lava flood. By incorporating elements
of aid, income households who live in shelters after the cold lava flood is
Rp1.566.777, or 1,40 percent higher than before the cold lava flood. The average
consumption expenditure of households living in shelters after the cold lava flood
is Rp1.188.438, or 0,58 percent lower than before the cold lava flood.