Summary: | The division of Indonesia residents is based on ethnicity or the groupings
left behind by the Dutch colonizer, which divided the population into 3 groups which
and provided laws to govern each group. This inheritance from the Dutch should not
exist anymore but instead based on the regulation which can be found in Chapter II
1945 UUD Exchanges Rules, and still in effect, and has been made the basis of the
law in forming of the regulations which come into after Indonesian Independent. This
Chapter II 1945 UUD Exchanges Rules has been used in the making wills.
This research aims to determined the meaning of importance of wills
Indonesian citizens.
This research is an empirical law research, based on the procuring of
primary data source and preceded by library research to find secondary data. This
research took place at Surakarta, and all the data was analyzed qualitatively.
The result of the research shows that wills for Indonesian citizens do not
have clear implementation guidelines, are at risk of being abused, and that the lake of
understanding between the parties in the making of wills potentially causes disputes.
The importance of wills which are make by the heirs themselves and
corroborated by the Lurah and Camat, is to act as a basic right for heirs to prove that
the parties as heir in the wills are truly those who have been give the right to be heirs
by the bequeathals, for the importance of the process of handing over inheritances
right as well as carrying out the process of exchanging land name in the land office,
in the area where the bequeathed land lies and to organizing the inheritance which
consists of enduring things like bank saving, insurance claims, and company shares..