Summary: | The most types of electric motors are used and
applied in the industry is the induction motor. Because the
induction motor has a simple construction, good strength, and
a little maintenance required. One of the existing problems of
the induction motor is the lack of performance optimization of
induction motor in the loaded and the no-load state. The
performance of the induction motor when it is in loaded and
no-load state is important to be known to avoid the motor
damaged and optimize the performance of the induction
motor. The research aims to determine the effect of the
capacitor addition to the performance of three-phase
induction motor squirrel cage. The research was performed
using 3-phase induction motor squirrel cage, and a DC motor
as mechanical load, becoming one in a series of NE7010
TecQuipment. It was given an input voltage by the voltage
regulator NE7014, and also was given the influence of the
capacitor addition by two types of the capacitors. They were
3.25μF and 17μF which contained on NE7024 Capacitive
Loading Bank. The results showed that some of the induction
motor parameters such as current, reactive power, and slip
waned while the active power, power factor, and speed
increased. Motor efficiency also increased with increasing
Keywords—performance 3-phase induction motor squirrel
cage, capacitor addition effect, load variation)