Summary: | <p>Thestatics Freedericksz transistionphenomena under externalfields in the nematic liquid crystal has been<br />
investigated using expandedfree elastic energy density involving saddle-splay constant k:u' Free elastic energy<br />
density reformulated using continuum theory in order to make k24constantappeared Then, Freedericksztransition<br />
in planar, homeotropic and homogen system are derived from that free elastic energy densities using Euler-<br />
Lagrangevariationalprinciples.<br />
Results of the investigationshowed that criticalfield in the planar and homeotropic systems are affected by<br />
k:u constant instead of kll (splay constant), ku (twist constant) and k],(bend constant) , while in the homogen<br />
system is unaffected. The results also showed that the expandedfree elastic energy did not violate experimental<br />
facts: Freedericksztransistiononly occured when appliedfields is higherthan criticalfields and if the appliedfields<br />
is continouslyraised then the maximum reorientationangle attained value close to tr/2.</p>