Summary: | <p>Observation on the flowering phenology of Eucalyptus pellita was done in three-year and five-month<br />
old E. pellita plantations, at Wanagama Educational Forest, Gununglddul, Yogyakarta. The study was<br />
conducted to observe the flowering phenology of E. pellita and to estimate the value of reproductive<br />
success (RS).<br />
The developmental stages of E. pellita reproductive organ were detected by making the observation<br />
on (i) physical and morphological changes of reproductive organs, (ii) the developmental stages of<br />
reproductive organs, and (iii) the time and duration of each developmental stage. The estimation of<br />
reproductive success was done by randomly collecting 10 sample-trees. The value of RS was obtained<br />
from the percentage offruitlflower (ratio between the number ofrea1istic fruit and theoretic flower) times<br />
seedlovule (ratio between the number of viable seed and theoretical ovule).<br />
E. pe//ita spent 299 days to develop the reproductive organs, from the floral initiation to the ripening<br />
offruit and seed dispersal. Floral initiation began in January, peak flowering reached in March-April, and<br />
ripening offruit and seed dispersal occurred in September. From this f1l'streproductive cycle, the estimated<br />
value ofFr/F1 was 620/0, while that of S/O was 11%. The value ofRS was calculated to be 6.6%.</p>