Summary: | <p>The dissertation entitled Tire Axiological Review of Reog Ponorogo: Its Relevance to lhe National Character DevelopmenJ has been chosen because it is very interestingto explore. Indonesia has diverse arts and cultures in its tradition. Within such diversities, there are significant values to develop the national character, one of them being that of Reog Ponorogo. As a traditional art, Reog stems from a long legendaryhistory and is very interesting to study. The purpose of this research is to reveal that the art of Reog is attractive and full of magnificent values. It can become an inspiration as well as reflection tor national development:.especially that of the nationaJcharacter building. During this refonn era, in which corruptible practices and radicalism are rampant, the va1us contained in the Reog art can be used as a foundationfor better national character building.<br />
In this study, written sources were used as primary data, secondary data, and supporting data. The main source of primary data was the Chronicle or Bahad Ponorogo by Purwowijoyo. The secondary data were drawn from various written materials directly related to the art of Reog Ponorogo.The supporting data were drawn from the field by means of participant observation and interviewing. These data were in turn considered as the main data because of their direct relations to the actual values of Reog. The methods used in this study were hermeneutics and heuristics. The former was employed to disclose the meaning contained in the research object in the form of Hfe phenomenon through understanding and interpretation,while the latterwas used to discoverand develop other new methods in scienceespeciallyphilosophy.<br />
The result of this research is that the art of Reog Ponorogo is part Ihe typically original culture from POllorogo. When viewed from the perspective of hierarchical values,Reog contains spiritual, living, and joyful values. The spiritual value of kog is contained in th.einner spiritual aspects as well as in those of the spirit and passion of the art. The value of life is contained in the aspects related to everyday life. The value of joy is found in the aspects related to habits or hobbies. The Indonesian nation currently faces corruption, terrorism, radicalism, and globalization challenges that may lead to the weakling of the national character. The values of Reog art can be used as a source of inspiration and may contribute to the character building of the nation. What needs to be presented is the strengthening of the four pillars of the nation and the reflectionof the five essentialvirtuesof the Reog art:.i.e. heroism,manliness, superiority, personality, and moral values. When reflected, the five essential virtues can strengthenthe nation, especially the resilience of the national character.</p>