Summary: | <p>For children with disabilities, the magnitude and severity of oral health problems frequently are worse than the general population. They often have complex medical conditions and have difficulty managing daily routines and communication. This makes basic oral hygiene and treatment in a dental office difficult. A child with special needs can have mental, physical, medical and/or social conditions that interfere with normal functioning. Dental and oral hygiene factors are that the main cause of caries formation. Some of the cases are treated with extraction and root canal therapy in which the restoration of post endodontic treatment is indicated. The aim of this case report is to show the endodontic treatment approach to patient with special needs especially patient with hearing impairment and also to show how the dentist achieved the endodontic treatment success by communication method, the treatment procedure and the cooperation with the parents/care taker. CaseReport: Gross pulpally deep cavity found on the labial, proximal and incisal surface of 53. The tests of sondation, percussion, palpation and vitality were all negative. The radiography examination showed radiolucent area in the 2/ 3 of 53.The same general procedure and also the monitoring of RCTon pediatric patient was conducted on this case. Every step of treatment procedure required a very good non verbal communication on how the procedure works to the patient. The operator u sed both cued speech and bimodal system in order to avoid the repetition of trauma and pain sensibHity on dental procedure. The stronger communication should be conducted especially with the parent or the care taker. Conclusion:To achieve the successof endodontic treatment on patient with special needs the dentist requires not onlya' right procedure but also an enhancement on communication method and cooperation with care taker or the parents</p>