Summary: | <p>Dentigerous cyst is a cyst that comes from the tooth forming epithelium. These cysts usually involves unerupted teeth. Dentigerous cysts are usually found in incisor and canines teeth area on the upperjaw. In the lowerjaw usually in the unerupted third molar tooth area. Dentigerous cysts in children can lead to impaired bone growth of the jaw and teeth. The cause of these cysts can be due to an infection and inflammation duririg childhood and also due to lack ofnutrition during the growth and development ofbones and teeth. Case 1. A twelve years old boy with a bump on the left anterior region and changed position of the maxillary incisors, there was no pain and there was crepitus on palpation. In ortho panoramic rontgen there was a canines that do not grow covered with radiolucent area firm boundaries. Case 2. A sixteen-year-old woman with a bump in the left lower jaw. There was no pain, there was crepitus on palpation, and the ortho panoramic rontgen there was well defined radiolucent area involving unerupted third molar. Both cases are expressed as a dentigerous cyst. Management. Dentigerous cyst treatment depends on the location, size, and age of the patient. Basically the treatment aims to maintain the growth and development offacial bone and tooth development. Marsupialisation and enucleation is the treatment of cysts in general. In both cases perfOrmed two consecutive actions that were marsupialisation and enucleation. Conclusion. With marsupialisation done and 'continued enucleation in cases, the results were satisfactory, growth disorder of the facial bones and teeth can be avoided.</p>