Summary: | <p>The highest prevalence of tooth impaction is third molar, followed by canines, premolar and supernumerary tooth, average of impacted insidance is 9,5 to 25% of population in developing countries. Some cases of impaction sometimes do not cause problem, but there are sonic cases that can cause pathological condition in patients, such as pericoronitis, pathological resorbtion of anterior tooth, idiopathic pain, can cause cyst.<br />
Dentigerous cyst on canine region associated with impacted canine, dentigerous cyst growing from the dental follicle on unerupted tooth or tooth in the growth medium. This type of cyst can be found on all kinds of with the greatest predilection at the age of 20 years. Dentigerous cyst is a type of cyst that grow over the crown of uncrupted tooth.<br />
impaction of 13,21,22,23 teeth with dextra maxillary dentigerous cyst in a female 13 years old with a history of trauma on the upper jaw area when she was 6 years old. In this case odontectomy of 13,21,22,23 teeth approach and maxillary cyst enucleation give good result. Consideration of ortodontic treatment of 13,21,22,23, teeth is not recomended,expected to be done for another. tooth.<br />
Comprehensive and detail anamnese of unerupted teeth and history. of trauma give early clues to discover dentigerous cyst. Final goal of this case report is how the surgery is done properlyu so that poatient gets good treatment.</p>