Summary: | inventore volume, biomassa dan karbon bambu petung
{Dendrocalamus asper Backer) DI HUTAN RAKYAT (Kasus di Dusun Ngandong, Desa Giri Kerto, Kec. Turi, Kab. Sleman, DIY)
Rezky Lasekti Wicaksono1, Ris Hadi Purwanto2, Djoko Soeprijadi2
1 Alumni Fakultas Kehutanan UGM, 2Dosen FaMtas Kehutanan UGM Jl. Agro No.l Bulaksumur, Yogyakarta Email:
Bamboo has a high carbondioxide absorption, - but quantitively this ability of bamboo petung (Dendrocalamus asper) has not much known. The purpose of this research are: (1) build the models to estimate the volume, biomass and carbon, (2) estimate the volume, biomass & carbon as well as the amount of C02. bambu petung absorbtions in the community forest of Ngandong hamlet Girikerto village, Turi district, Sleman regency DIY.Ten Bamboo petung with varying diameter are used as samples for building models of volume, biomass & carbon. The volume was determinated by measure the difference between the volume of solid and the cavity using smalian formula. Biomass was obtained by drying the samples at a temperature of 103 ± 2°C until a constant dryweight while the carbon content was obtained by Brown method ( 50% of biomass). The estimating models that resulted to estimate the volume, biomass and carbon in a series are: 238,203 (dbh)2,065 (R2 = 0,960), 0,124 (Dbh)2,160 (R2 = 0.907), dan 0,062 (Dbh)2,160 (R2= 0,907). And The quantity of volume, biomass & carbon as well as the amount of C02 bambu petung absorbtions in the community forest of Ngandong in a series are: Volume : (209,994± 48,446) m3/ha/th, Biomass: (141,84 ± 33,045) ton/ha/th, Carbon: (70,92±16,522) ton/ha/th dan C02: (260,028 ± 60,64) ton/ha/th.
Key words: Bamboo petung, volume, biomass, carbon, Allometric, Ngandong hamlet