Summary: | This study aims to predict the population dynamics of Brown Planthopper (BPH) in highly endemic areas of
Central Java province, Indonesia. The research was conducted by modifying the method proposed by Legendre
and Fortin (1989), through three stages. Those were predicting BPH attacks using Exponential Smoothing Holt
Winter, analyzing spatial structure using I, C and Z test on Local Statistic, and making the connectivity inter the
periodic predictions of planting season. The results showed that, the studied areas will experience the hotspots
phenomenon based on the analysis by the method of Moran's I, Geary's C and Getis Ord Statistic. The analysis of
Local Moran's and Getis Ord showed that, four counties namely Boyolali, Klaten, Karanganyar and Sragen
experienced a local migration current from region to region around them, whereas other counties are independent.
The migration current was influenced by topography, biotic interactions, and anthropogenic factor. Viewed from
the spatial scalability in the studied areas, there are four categories of BPH population distribution; point, site, local,
and landscape. BPH local migration interregion happened in the County of Klaten, Boyolali, Karanganyar and
Sragen. It was caused by some factors: (1) the local climate, (2) the repetition of the use of rice plant variety in a
long time, (3) the use of insecticide intensively (3-4 times in one planting period/season), and (4) the irrigation,
allowing the spread of BPH larvae and eggs into its surroundings.
Keywords: population dynamic, brown planthoppers, spatial pattern