Summary: | Self adjustment is an interaction between an individual with himself, the
individual with others, as well as individuals with his world in which all the three
parties have a reciprocal relationship. When individuals can not adjust to himself,
others and the world, a problem would occur. This problem might be faced by the
teenagers either as the individuals in society. Therefore, a coping strategy is
required in this case to overcome the problem in self adjustment. Due to the
underlined issue, this study was aimed to identify the problems of self adjustment
and the type of coping strategies developed by the adolescent. The subject of this
study was three teenagers of different family background at Social Rehabilitation
Centre in Salatiga. The approach of this study was phenomenological qualitative.
Results showed that the teenagers faced a variety of adjustment problems and had
different coping strategies. Two factors were indicated to influence teenagers� self
adjustment, namely internal and external factors. The internal factor could be
classified into three terms