Summary: | In Indonesia, initiative to develop e-Government has been started since
2001, by legalization of Presidential Instruction No.6 of 2001 about the Policy
Framework for Development and Telematic Utilization in Indonesia and
Presidential Instruction No. 3 of 2003 about the Policy and National Strategy e-
Governmrnt Development. Until now, the development of Indonesian e-
Government still backward. Even in the level of ASEAN, Indonesia still lower
than Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Philippines, Brunei Darussalam, and
The government of Yogyakarta city has developed e-government since
2002. Some efforts undertaken by government have not shown the maximum
results, which indicated by in the arena of awarding Warta Economic e-
Government Award since 2002 until now, the Government of Yogyakarta city has
not shown satisfactory progress.
Implementation of e-Government will change the paradigm services, from
the bureaucratic service paradigm become the e-Government services paradigm
that prioritize efficiency, transparency, and non discrimination. Consequence of
that change is appearing of two groups (employees) who will support and refuse
the change. Support or refusal is influenced by perceptions of employees toward
The purposes of this research are to find the perceptions of city agency
employee toward the e-Government implementation, and improving the quality of
public services after e-Government is implemented in Yogyakarta City
Government. This study used a combined approach between a simple quantitative
approach (descriptive statistics) and qualitative approaches. Determination of
sample was done by deliberately chosen (purposive). Therefore, that decided as
the respondent was administrator of e-Government and the staff from some
agencies who provide services to the public. The total numbers of respondents
were 42 people. The method carried out to collect data consists of questionnaire,
interview, and documentation. The results of survey data was analysed using
SPSS version 17.
The results were: First, employees perceptions toward e-Government
implementation is quite positive. However, some elements need to get serious
attention, for example by providing the budget that able to meet the needs for e-
Government development, in terms of information technology and
communication infrastructure as well as human resource