Summary: | This research aims at finding out the role of AKU Sejahtera Cooperation in Province of
Yogyakarta Priviledged Area toward UPPKS group and knowing factors contributing to cooperation success. The research�s special purposes are as follows: 1) to get a clear
description about the role of AKU Sejahtera in helping UPPKS Group communicate with the financiers, 2) to get information about resources, either human or non-human that are provided to make sure that the role of AKU Sejahtera Cooperation runs well, and 3) to get a clear picture of inter organizations pattern of relationship (partnership) between AKU Sejahtera Cooperation and UPPKS Group.
This research uses qualitative method which tends to a case study. Data was collected
by performing some observations and interviews. The interviews were done with Head of Prosperous Family and Family Empowerment Division and Head of Empowerment of Family Economy Subdivision, Board of Prosperity and National Planned Family, Province of Yogyakarta Priviledged Area, Head I and II of Local Management of AKU Board in Province of Yogyakarta Priviledged Area, Manager of Finance in AKU Sejahtera Cooperation, 2 Heads and 2 members of UPPKS Groups. Data was analyzed by applying interractive analysis technique, covering data reduction, data display, data interpretation and conclusion taking.
The results indicate that: first, the role of AKU Sejahtera Cooperation toward UPPKS
Group among others are building institutional relationship with Board of Prosperity and National Planned Family to the lowest level, that is building UPPKS, relating UPPKS with the Financiers and building groups of UPPKS. The institutional relationship between Local Management of AKU Board in Province of Yogyakarta Priviledged Area, Board of Prosperity and National Planned Family and AKU Sejahtera Cooperation is partnership, eventhough AKU was established by Board of Prosperity and National Planned Family. Second, the factors contributes to the success gained by AKU Sejahtera Cooperation in Province of Yogyakarta Priviledged Area covering internal factors such as strong leadership, wellorganized management, and avalaibility of supporting means, and also external factors, that is partnership with financiers organization, either banks as well as Government institutions.
The conclusion is that the role of AKU Sejahtera Cooperation in Province of
Yogyakarta Priviledged Area toward UPPKS group has a strong linkage with Board of
Prosperity and National Planned Family as Government Institution which launches UPPKS Program, as well as financing and assisting UPPKS groups through PLKB in the local areas.
Distinguished internal advantages is GKR Pembayun leadership as the Head of Local
Management of AKU Board in Province of Yogyakarta Priviledged Area as well as the Head of AKU Sejahtera Cooperation and the Owner of BPR Mataram, which is the Biggest Financier for AKU Sejahtera Cooperation.