Summary: | "Creating Friendly Classroom" Programme is an adaptation of a book The
Anti-Bullying and Teasing for Preschool Classroom, Community theme,
works by Sprung, et al (2005). This study is a replication of research about
The Effect of The Anti-Bullying and Teasing Program for Preschool
Classroom Community Theme in Improving The Prosocial Behaviors of
Children Aged 4-5 Years in Kindergarten Class, by adding few things that
recommended by the previous researcher. In this research, teachers were asked
to implement the program into classroom teaching and learning process, as
treatment of first-year students in kindergarten who became the experimental
group in this study. Data is analysed using Median Test. The result showed
that the implementation of "Creating Friendly Classroom" Programme could
improve children�s prosocial behavior in kindergarten class (p=0.0005