Summary: | Makassar waters have great natural resources which are able to be used by
local societies in fulfilling their daily need. One of the organisms is Polychaeta
which have many role, such as in economic, scientific studies, and ecological
function. However the local societies do not know about Polychaeta. Because of that
reasons, this research is conducted to explore diversity, morphology and substrates
characters of Polychaeta in Makassar waters, South Sulawesi. Polychaeta was taken
from three locations. There were Losari beach, Laelae and Samalona Island which
located in the west of Makassar. Purposif sampling method used for the
determination of 10 sampling sites at each location. Polychaeta obtained was
cleaned, sorted and grouped in preparation for preservation. Before fixed, specimens
anaesthetized with a solution of 72% MgCl2 (Fujita, 2010), then fixed by soaking in
10% formalin (Al-Hakim & Puji, 2009). Samples obtained subsequently sorted and
preserved in 70% alcohol for identification (Fauchald, 1977). The characters of
substrate analyzed are the total organic matter and texture. The result showed that
there were two species of Polychaeta. The first is Perinereis aibuhitensis Grube on
Losari beach and the second Perinereis cf vallata Grube on Laelae Island. The main
different characters of those species are the amount and form of paragnath and setae
types, however 25 (56.25%) the other morphological characters was different of the
total 48 characters obeserved. The texture of the substrate on three location sites are
sandy. Dominant texture of fine sand on Losari beach, Dominant texture of coarse
sand on Laelae island, and dominant texture of coarse sand and middle sand on
Samalona island. BOT value of the three locations were 3.09% -6.19% in Losari