Summary: | Since the development of the new town, the growth of Kupang city has
shown a continuous change of both physical and non physical aspects. This study
aims to documents the development of spatial patterns of Kupang city after the
development of a new town. It documents the development process from both
physical and non physical aspects, understanding the processes and the factors
which trigger the development of Kupang city.
The research method used in this study is a qualitative method. The locus
of the research is on the BWK II, precisely in the Kelapa Lima district and some
areas adjacent to BWK II which is affected by the new town development.
Meanwhile, the analysis technique used is descriptive analysis of processes and
trend analysis through visual display thematic maps according to developmental
This study concluded that the spatial pattern development of Kupang city
oriented in the new town region, which shows a continuous change of both
physical and non physical aspects. The development of government new town
seems evolving as a multi-functional area with optional new sectors such as
offices, education, industry, trade in services, recreation, housing, improved
infrastructure and so on, making the new town as a center of activity. The growth
of the new town particularly by general policy is influeneed. It is also clear that
the new town influence of the spatial pattern development of Kupang city is
significantly. It future Kupang city, growth rapidly because it captures
opportunities offer by strategic location which is in the borders with East Timor
and Australia.