Summary: | Today, the development of computer applications has resulted in various
types of healthcare applications include E-Health. This paper presents the results
of the development of a virtual doctor to a specialist eye disease in humans based
on Android in an interactive, hereinafter referred to as a virtual doctor interactive
This study focuses on two aspects. First designing the program DVI with
java Android that its design was made interesting and informative, with easy
navigation system explored for Android phone users (as a patient) so that the
diagnosis of disease can be well understood by the user. Second, to establish
systems of disease diagnosis expert system is used. Inference model using factor
centainty get sufficient diagnosis. A web service is built as a DVI source of
information and databases that can be actualized by a ophthalmologist.
The result of the Android-based software with an interactive user
interface on 3G mobile phones that provide a virtual application to a specialist
doctor eye disease in humans that includes anamnesis, reporting of disease
diagnosis, and preventive measures as well as information where the nearest
doctor for further medical treatment if needed.