Summary: | Rapid population growth in Indonesia especially in big cities, has
prompted an increased need for housing, thus increasing the amount of domestic
wastewater. The increasing amount of domestic wastewater that is not offset by an
increase in receiving water bodies from both aspects of capacity and quality,
causing the amount of wastewater that enters the receiving water body exceeds the
capacity. To anticipate the potential impact, waste minimization efforts are needed
through a variety of alternative waste treatment technologies that effectively and
efficiently, one alternative is to use an artificial wetland system (constructed
wetlands). This study aims to design and knowing of the utilization efficiency to
BOD, TSS and pH and systemic review and application technologies trough
Constructed Wetlands combined with irish SP plant in domestic wastewater
treatment system from the economic and social aspects.
Constructed Wetland installing in series with a unit of Septic Tank and
Anaerobic Filter. Unit Constructed Wetland in this study serves as a secondary
treatment. The wastewater flowed into the septic tank (sedimentation tanks) that
serves as a pre treatment and then processed in anaerobic filter tub as the primary
treatment. In this study sampling conducted at the inlet of septic tank, inlet of the
wetland units, and the last sampling is at the outlet of wetland unit. Sampling was
done since November 4
2010 to January 3
2011 with duration within 2 days.
For the purposes of scale-up the units constructed wetland values obtained
reaction rate constant of first-order area (kA) for BOD is 0.156 m / day, TSS
valued at 0.173 m / day, TN valued at 0.176 m / day, and the TP value of 0.277 m
/ day. On units constructed wetland values obtained volumetric reaction rate
constant of first order (kV) for BOD value of 0.893% / day, worth 0.991 TSS /
day, TN valued at 1.006 / day, and TP valued at 1.584 / day. Efficiency units in
the anaerobic filter pollutants degrade BOD to 56.87%, and 33.07% TSS removal.
The efficiency of constructed wetland units in degrading BOD is 69.12%, and
71.4% TSS removal. Total efficiency of wastewater treatment systems with
anaerobic units and constructed wetland filters mounted in series BOD removal
was 86.64%, and 80.83% TSS removal.