Summary: | Dayah Education Building Board (BPPD) is a local apparatus as the support
element of Aceh government in the building of dayah education. It is led by a
Chairman of Board responsible to the Governor through the Secretary of the Local
Government. It performs the general affairs of development, particularly in the
building of dayah education.
The objective of the study is to construct an application for group decision
support system in determining the type of dayah in the BPPD using a promethee
method. The method is used to generate the order of dayah from decision-makers.
The latter should determine criteria, sub-criteria, and parameters, then making an
assessment of dayah to get the ranking of dayah. After getting the result of dayah
order from each decision maker, to unite the preferences of decision makers, the
system will use a hare quota method to determine the type of dayah based on the
predetermined type.
Based on result of the study, it can be concluded that the support system of
group decision using the promethee method as a multicriteria method and the hare
quota method as a voting method could help the stakeholders of BPPD of Aceh in
determining the type of dayah. The criteria used and the number of quota for each
type of dayah greatly influenced the process of decision making.